Behold Cross-Stitch Kit
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. —John 1:29
This kit features hand-painted fabric and metallic gold floss!
Kit includes: 14-count painted Aida fabric, DMC embroidery floss, tapestry needle, threading tool, charted instructions, 5" fabric-wrapped bamboo hoop, and a 5" felt circle for backing.
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. —John 1:29
This kit features hand-painted fabric and metallic gold floss!
Kit includes: 14-count painted Aida fabric, DMC embroidery floss, tapestry needle, threading tool, charted instructions, 5" fabric-wrapped bamboo hoop, and a 5" felt circle for backing.
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. —John 1:29
This kit features hand-painted fabric and metallic gold floss!
Kit includes: 14-count painted Aida fabric, DMC embroidery floss, tapestry needle, threading tool, charted instructions, 5" fabric-wrapped bamboo hoop, and a 5" felt circle for backing.